FTK® is a registered. For more information, see Managing Licenses in your solution manual or on the AccessData website. Getting Started with the User. Start studying Final exam questions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A ____ attack seeks to deny legitimate users access to services by either tying up a server's available resources or causing it to shut down. Question: E-mail spoofing attacks require an immediate response, typically no. Common Questions. I don't see my CmStick as drive on my Windows. Disabling, change the description of the CmStick, selection if you have more than one CmStick) you need to activate Javascript. Without Javascript you have access to the most important parts, e.g. You can view the licenses (only of the first connected CmStick.

When users tries to log in, the notification appears:
- Licensing limit is reached
- RDS issue
No More User Licenses Are Available Ftk
If the licensing limit is reached the product enters in Grace Period.
You can check this going to RAS Console > Licensing.
The parameter that you need to check is Peak Users logged-in. You'll see the exact date when you have exceeded maximum amount of user licenses. In this case Grace Period is ON
You'll be able to continue using Remote Application Server with extra users logged in during the next 7 days.
After the Grace Period, only the amount of users stipulated by your license key will be allowed to login.
Remote Desktop User Licenses
If this is not the case, most likely, the root of the issue is in RDS Host Configuration and not related to Parallels Remote Application Server:

NOTE: Licenses are freed once the users have no active session. Remote Application Server does not cache such information. Once user logs off, license will be free in a couple of seconds.
Please note that 1 license represents a user on a specific device connected to a single farm. If the same user connects to the same farm using 2 different devices 2 licenses are consumed. If the same user is connected to multiple sites using the same device the same license is in use.