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Rustic Houses, Forlorn Valleys Digital Download. Rustic alt-rock with classic post-rock undertones, run through a fuzzy gauze of subtle electronics and jazzy. Jan 02, 2010  'Rustic Houses, Forlorn Valleys' was Hood's first album for Domino following on from their two earlier lo-fi albums for Slumberland.It announced a drastic departure in their sound from the previous inventive indie to a less noisy, more tranquil approach that haunted the edges of post-rock.

Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys (album) by Hood

Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys by Hood (1998)
Overall rank: 41,802nd
Average Rating:
75/100 (from 2 votes)

Accolades: Top albums of 1998 (812th)
Top albums of the 1990s (7,687th)
Best albums of all time (41,802nd)

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Hood - Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys (1998)
Condition: Very Good
Time left:
7d 18h 50s
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Hood bestography

Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys is ranked 5th best out of 9 albums by Hood on

The best album by Hood is Cold House which is ranked number 21105 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 55.

Hood album bestography« Higher ranked (33,078th)This album (41,802nd)Lower ranked (81,753rd) »
The Cycle Of Days And SeasonsRustic Houses Forlorn ValleysCabled Linear Traction

Members who like this album also like:Things We Lost In The Fire by Low, Flood by Boris and Shock Me by Red House Painters.

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Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys track list

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1.S.e. Rain Patterns
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2.Boer Farmstead
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3.The Light Reveals The Place
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4.Your Ambient Voice
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5.The Leaves Grow Old And Fall And Die
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6.Diesel Pioneers
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Related links:top tracks by Hoodtop tracks of the 1990s, top tracks of 1998.

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Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys rankings

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All 6 charts that this album appears in:

YearSourceChartRankRank Score
2019 desh79Top 100 Music Albums of 199842/1003
2018 bertranduTop 100 Music Albums of 199847/1003
2018 CellarDoorSlowcore Does Not Exist...32/100 -
2018 CellarDoorTop 72 Music Albums of 199844/722
2016 CryingGameDahlinTop 51 Music Albums of 199825/513
2014 philbutrinTop 100 Music Albums of 199884/1001
Total Charts: 6
Total Rank Score: 11

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06/16/2018 14:06

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