Functions of the Past continuous. The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. In other words, it expresses an unfinished or incomplete action in the past. It is used: Often, to describe the background in a story written in the past tense, e.g. EF English First memiliki program bahasa Inggris dasar yang dirancang khusus untuk para pemula. Materi pelajaran untuk kursus bahasa Inggris dasar ini diciptakan sedemikan rupa untuk memudahkan proses belajar siswa. Pengalaman kami selama lebih dari 40 tahun sebagai sekolah bahasa, menjamin kualitas pengajaran kami.
Announcement is something said, written, or printed which is containinginformation about an event that has happened or is going to happen. The purposeis informing something to public. Announcement can be spoken (oral) orwritten.
- Spoken announcement usually begins with saying“ATTENTION, PLEASE” or anything like that. In spoken announcement, you shouldspeak clearly so that the targeted people can easily understand it. Besides, the information should be short and simple.
- Writtenannouncement usually begins with the tittle or for whom the announcement iswritten.
To: all students of class 7A
The speaking test will be held on:
Day: Tuesday
Time: 07.00 - 09.30
For the further information, you can call 081-88-32.
Example ofspoken announcement :
The final tournament of basketballwill be held on Sunday evening. Please come to Sanaman Mantikei to see thefinal tournament to support our basketball school team. Thank you.
Usually, we can find an announcement at :
2. Radio.
4. Wall Magazine.
Thestructure of announcement :
- Thetitle/type of event;
- Forwhom;
- Contents;
- Contactperson/from whom.
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Personal letters also known as friendly letters, and social notes. Personal lettersis aletter that we can share about anything that we want to tell by personalletters.
The Characteristic of personal letters :
- The opening/closing is variety, depends on thewriter.
- Free language.
- Free format.
- Not use head letters and number of letters.
The structure of personal letters in general :
6.Theend of content
Example ofpersonal letters :
Jalansoeprapto No. 17 Bandung
October 4, 2012
To: Endah
Dear Endah,
How areyou, Auntie?Long time no see. I hope you are fine.
How areyou, Auntie?Long time no see. I hope you are fine.
I want to tell you about my newschool. The school is huge. There’s a lot of plants, flowers, and trees. I getmany new friends. They are very kind and friendly.
How about your new school ? Is ithuge too ? I’m waiting for your reply. O.K ?
With love,
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Message is a written or spoken piece of informationthat we send to somebody or leave for somebody when we can’t speak to themourselves.
Thestructure is :
·Content: ....
1.Formal message. Usually written aboutsomething formal, but it is important. For example, when there is a meeting.
Today there’s a meeting that you must be present. I knowthat you are busy. But this meeting is very important. The meeting will startat 9 a.m. at our auditorium. Thank you.
2.Non Formal message. Usually, it iswritten about something that non formal, but it is important too. For example,when the children want to go to her friend’s house, while her mother shoppingat the market.
To : Mom
Mom,I’m go to Fitria’s house to do our tasks. The door has been locked. The doorkey is under the plant. I have finished my wash. I’ll be home at 5 p.m.
There are two kinds of message :
·Averbal message in an exchange of information using words. Examples include faceto face communication, telephone calls, voice mails, etc.
·Anonverbal message is communicated through actions or behaviors rather thatwords. Examples include the use of body language and the actions made by anindividual idea.