Quantum Chemistry 2nd Edition Donald Mcquarrie Quantum


Quantum chemistry McQuarrie, Donald A. Categories: Chemistry Physical Chemistry Year: 2008 Edition: 2nd Language. But I recommend the 1st edition because it is easier to understand compared to the 2nd edition. 07 July 2017 (08:58) Post a Review. This book is devoted for the theoretical foundations and innovative applications in quantum chemistry. Topics covered includes: Numerical Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations in Quantum Chemistry by Spectral Method, Composite Method Employing Pseudopotential at CCSD(T) Level, Quantum Chemical Calculations for some Isatin Thiosemicarbazones, Elementary Molecular Mechanisms of the.

The biggest change in the years since the first edition is the proliferation of computational chemistry programs that calculate molecular properties. Quantum Chemistry 2nd edition by Donald A. McQuarrie (2007) Hardcover on. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Still a best-selling text after a remarkable twenty-four years in print, Don McQuarrie has updated his landmark Quantum Chemistry into a keenly anticipated second edition. Perhaps the biggest change in the years since the first edition appeared is the proliferation of computational chemistry programs that are available to calculate molecular.

Still a best-selling text after a remarkable twenty-four years in print, Don McQuarrie has now updated his landmark Quantum Chemistry into a keenly anticipated second edition. Although much of the material is timeless, the book has been selectively updated throughout, with perhaps the most significant revision being the incorporation of computer power. In a departure from its 1983 predecessor, the new edition covers quantum chemistry programs such as Gaussian and WebMo, and encourages the use of programs such as MathCad and Mathematica to perform calculations with hitherto unheard of ease. The new edition has also included a series of short math 'refresher' inserts (first used with brilliant results in McQuarrie's quantum-first P. Chem. text) spaced intermittently throughout the book to help students focus on the physical principles being explained rather than struggling with the underlying mathematics. As with the first edition, the book assumes a prerequisite of one year of calculus with no required knowledge of differential equations. Each chapter includes a broad range of problems and exercises. Answers to numerical problems are at the back of the book.
About the Author
As the author of landmark chemistry books and textbooks, Donald McQuarrie's name is synonymous with excellence in chemical education. From his classic text on Statistical Mechanics to his recent quantum-first tour de force on Physical Chemistry, McQuarrie's best selling textbooks are highly acclaimed by the chemistry community. McQuarrie received his PhD from the University of Oregon, and is Professor Emeritus from the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis. He makes his home at The Sea Ranch in California with his wife Carole, where he continues to write.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Historical Background
Chapter 2. The Wave Equation
Chapter 3. The Schrodinger Equation
Chapter 4. The Postulates and General Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 5. The Harmonic Oscillator
Chapter 6. Three-Dimensional Systems
Chapter 7. Approximate Methods
Chapter 8. Atoms
Chapter 9. Molecules
Chapter 10. Molecular Spectroscopy
Solutions of Problems

Quantum Chemistry 2nd Edition Donald Mcquarrie Quantum Leap

Quantum Chemistry Problems & Solutions by Helen O Leung available in Trade Paperback on Powells.com, also read synopsis and reviews. This Solutions Manual accompanies the second edition of Donald McQuarrie's Quantum Chemistry. Quantum Chemistry by Donald A. McQuarrie starting at $9.23. Quantum Chemistry has 3 available editions to buy at Alibris.