Mcdata Serial Port Settings

  1. Default Serial Port Settings
  2. Brocade Serial Port Settings
  3. Serial Port Pinout
  4. Vga Port

The Serial Port - Software Setup: If you are trying to control something in the real world using your computer, the serial port is perhaps the easiest means of communication. Parity and stop bit settings. They are dependent on what is on the receiving end of the link. You have to use the same settings at both the ends or the link will not. Hyperterminal or Putty Settings for Serial Connection. Dec 12, 2012 9:13 AM Version 1 DB9 null modem cable to connect your computer to the node. T he port settings are 115200 baud, Data Bits 8, Stop Bits 1. Tags: node_serial. Content tagged with node_serial Comments. 2 Comments Delete Document. Are you sure you want to delete. 22.4 Installing and Configuring Serial Port Hardware. Some motherboards allow you to define custom IRQ and base address settings for each serial port, which you can use to configure unique settings that allow three or more serial ports to coexist. 22.4 Installing and Configuring Serial Port Hardware: 22.5 Troubleshooting Serial Port. The console port is an async serial port. The console port of the Catalyst 4500/4000. Verify that your terminal emulation software settings are. 2-6 Serial Port Pinout. McDATA Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Installation and Service Manual xi. McDATA Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Installation and Service Manual xiii. Mar 05, 2004  What type of serial port connection is available on McData switch 6064? Male/Female?.I know it is DB9 but do not have info regarding pin layout. If possible can someone alose pest some commands which I can run at the console port of 6064?. The switch is not on the public Net.

Getting started

First you must determine the communication parameters for your scale.

You will need to know:

  • Baud rate
  • Data bits
  • Stop bits
  • Parity
  • Flow control, typically none, hardware or Xon/Xoff
  • Communication method: continuous or on-demand
  • Any terminators
  • A request string, if required

The best place to start is the user manual for the scale. If you do not have one, try performing a web search for the manufacturer and model number. Also, if the scale is already connected to a computer, check the settings used in the current program.

You should also try resetting the scale to “Factory defaults”. This ensures that the settings of the scale match the default settings in the handbook.

You can also consider using Windows Hyperterm or Tera Term to determine the correct settings and then transfer them to ERP-Scale.

Further, consider contacting the scale manufacturer. Often they can advise on the correct settings and assist with the setup.

Communication settings

Add the port settings

Set the port, Baud, Databits, Parity & Stop-bits to match the devices settings.

At this stage, set both Rx and Tx handshake as “None”.

Default Serial Port Settings

Add the Receiving settings

At first we want to see what data is being received regardless of any terminator.

Do not use a terminator, but set the terminate input after to 30 chars.

Also set a high timeout to ensure we get a good sample of data.

Add the Requesting settings

Continuous or On-Demand ?

Most scales transmit the weight data continuously. In this case no request is required. However, other scales use “on-demand” communication which requires a string to be sent to the scale before the weight is transmitted. If the scale only supports a “print” mode, which requires a button on the indicator to be pressed before transmitting the weight, it will work with
ERP-Scale, but will not be practical in daily operation.

If the scale supports continuous & on-demand, we advise using continuous mode for the initial setup, and then switching to on-demand once the basic communication is functioning.

Unless your device specifically requires it, do not set a request string. Ensure that the request text field is empty. Also make sure that the Terminator check box is not ticked. If the scale supports continuous & on-demand, we advise using continuous mode for the initial setup, and then switching to on-demand once the basic communication is functioning.

Test the initial settings

Click on the menu option “Test” to display the port monitor.

Click on “Simulate” to check for incoming data.

If you see data being received, which matches the data you are expecting from the device, proceed to step 4.

If you get the exception “The operation has timed out”, close the serial port monitor and continue with step 3.


If no data is received, the handshake settings are probably wrong.


Return to the Port settings tab.

Try changing the RX Handshake to “RequestToSend”, and repeat step 2.

Then change the RX Handshake to “XonXoff”, and repeat step 2.

Then change the RX Handshake to “RequestToSendXonSoff”, and repeat step 2.

Also check if the scale requires a “request” if it only sends data on demand. If the scale has a “print” button, try pressing it.

If you can still not receive any data, attempt using another terminal emulator (e.g. HyperTerminal) to ensure the device is sending data.

Receive Terminator

Once the handshake settings are correct, you will see data received in the monitor.

Brocade Serial Port Settings

Most devices mark the end of the data string transmitted with a terminator.

In this case, it is the last character received, which is ASCII code 13 corresponding to CR.

If the device sends multiple termination characters, e.g. CR then LF, use the second terminator , e.g. in this example LF

Close the serial monitor and go to the Receiving tab.

Tick the “Terminator” checkbox and select the “Terminator” from the drop down list.

Set the figure in “Terminate input after” to zero.

At this stage, set the “Min number of reads to 1”.
Set the “Max number of reads” to 3.

Tick the boxes for “Remove control characters” & “Flush port before reading”.

Tick the box “Ignore blank input”.

Test the terminator settings

Click on the menu option “Test” to display the port monitor.

Serial Port Pinout

Click on “Simulate” to check for incoming data.

You should see the string being transmitted from the device displayed (with little pause as the read will complete as soon as the terminator is received.

If you repeatedly click “Simulate”, you may notice that sometimes the received data is incomplete.

This can be caused if the device is continuously transmitting data. When the PCs serial port is opened, the device may be half way through transmitting a data string.

Close the serial port monitor and return to the “Receiving” tab.

Increase the “Min number of reads” to 2.

This forces ERP-Scale to skip the first terminator and take the data string leading up to the second terminator, which should always be a complete data string.

Click on “Test” to return to the serial port monitor.

Repeated clicks of the “Simulate” button should now always give the same response.

Close the monitor and the port settings dialogs and save your settings.


Instrument Control Toolbox


The Serial Configuration block configures parameters for a serialport that you can use to send and receive data. You must set the parametersof your serial port before you set up the Serial Receive and the SerialSend block.

You must first specify the configuration of your serial portbefore you configure the Serial Receive and Serial Send blocks. TheReceive and Send blocks will prompt you to add a Configuration blockto configure your serial port properties.


You need a license for both the Instrument Control Toolbox™ and Simulink® softwareto use this block.


Communication port

Specify the serial port to configure. You have to select anavailable port from the list. By default no port is selected and thisfield displays <Please select a port...>.Use this configured port in your Serial Send and SerialReceive blocks. Each Serial Send and Receive block must havea configured serial configuration. If you use multiple serial portsin your simulation, you must configure each port using a separateserial configuration block.

Baud rate

Specify the rate at which bits are transmitted for the serialinterface. Default value is 9600.

Data bits

Specify the number of data bits to transmit over the serialinterface. Default value is 8 and other availablevalues are 5, 6, and 7.


Vga Port

Specify how you want to check parity bits in the data bits transmittedvia the serial port. By default this is set to none,and the available values are:

  • none — Where no paritychecking is done.

  • even — Where parity bitis set to 0 if the number of ones in a given set of bits is even.

  • odd — Where parity bitis set to 1 if the number of ones in a given set of bits is odd.

  • mark — Where parity bitis always set to 1.

  • space — Where parity bitis always set to 0.

Stop bits

Specify the number of bits used to indicate the end of a byte.The number of data bits you select determines the choices availablefor stop bits. If you select data bits 6, 7,or 8, then the default value is 1 andthe other available choice is 2. If you selectdata bit 5, then the only choice available is 1.5.

Byte order

Specify the byte order as littleEndian (default)or bigEndian. If byte order is littleEndian,then the instrument stores the first byte in the first memory address.If byte order is bigEndian, then the instrumentstores the last byte in the first memory address.

You should configure byte order to the appropriate value foryour instrument before performing a read or write operation. Referto your instrument documentation for information about the order inwhich it stores bytes.

Flow control

Specify the process of managing the rate of data transmissionon your serial port. Choose none to have no flowcontrol or hardware to let your hardware determinethe flow control.


Specify the amount of time that the model will wait for thedata during each simulation time step. The default value is 10 (seconds).

See Also

Query Instrument, Serial Receive, SerialSend, TCP/IP Receive, TCP/IP Send, ToInstrument, UDP Receive, UDP Send