How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3

  1. How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.0
  2. How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.28
  3. How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.5

How I set up MonoDevelop on Linux. /Factory/openSUSE_12.3/ and happy codding. I was finally able to install monodevelop from sources. I followed the. Installing MonoDevelop 3 on Ubuntu Oneiric and Mint 12. You should also know that it has a dependency on gnome-sharp2, so I don't know what to do if you're not. Haha -- I just noticed that the monodevelop- folder is still owned by root. I don't even know how that is possible??? I executed the install script without sudo.

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  • 2How to update openSUSE 11.4 to GNOME 3.0
  • 4Known issues

GNOME 3.0 in openSUSE 11.4

openSUSE 11.4 was released with GNOME 2.32, but we know people want to enjoy the elegant design of GNOME 3. So the GNOME team has been working hard to provide GNOME 3.0 on openSUSE 11.4. We know you'll love it!

How to update openSUSE 11.4 to GNOME 3.0

Please read the instructions carefully before doing the update.

One-click install (recommended)

First, be sure to open a terminal before starting the upgrade process (you will need it to restart your system when the upgrade is complete), and close all other running applications.

Use the following 1-Click button:

For x86 32bit openSUSE 11.4
For x86 64bit openSUSE 11.4

Follow the instructions you'll get on screen. When the upgrade is complete, in the terminal opened before starting the upgrade, reboot your system:

$ sudo /sbin/reboot

If you forgot to open a terminal, right click on desktop background and choose 'open a terminal' to get one.

Text upgrade

If you prefer to use a text upgrade, do the following (as root), after closing all running applications:

  • To make sure your update will be still running, in the unlikely event your graphical session terminate, start screen :
  • add GNOME:STABLE:3.0 repository:
    # zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.0/openSUSE_11.4 GNOME_STABLE_3.0
  • ensure it is configured as auto-refresh and get more priority than other openSUSE 11.4 repositories:
  • do the upgrade (close any running program before doing that):
    # zypper dup
  • ensure GNOME Shell and GNOME3 theme are installed:
  • ensure 3D support for Nvidia chipset (when not using proprietary driver) is installed:
    # zypper in Mesa-nouveau3d
  • when the upgrade is complete, reboot your system:


I upgraded to GNOME 3.0, but I have a bug. Where should I report it?
Please file a bug against openSUSE 11.4 and put [gnome3] in the summary of the bug.

I installed (openSUSE) GNOME 3 live image on my system, what should I do to get the latest packages?
If you installed (openSUSE) GNOME 3 live image release 1.2.0 or later, you don't have to switch repository.Otherwise, you should switch repository which was providing GNOME 3 to GNOME:STABLE:3.0. Here is how to do this (as root):

  • add GNOME:STABLE:3.0 repository to your system :
    # zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.0/openSUSE_11.4 GNOME_STABLE_3.0
  • ensure it is configured as auto-refresh and get more priority than other openSUSE 11.4 repositories:
  • remove old repository :
    # zypper rr home:fcrozat:gnome3_11.4
  • upgrade your system to use new repository:
  • reboot your system (because many libraries changed in the process)

I've tested (openSUSE) GNOME 3 live image but I can't find how to install it on my computerYou have two options :

  • restart the live image and on boot menu, type liveinstall and press enter
  • once GNOME image is running, go to Applications and type live and the icon for live install should appear. Click on it and follow the instructions.

Known issues

  • GNOME Shell requires 3D (openGL) support which is not currently stable enough in VirtualBox or VMWare. We recommend you disable 3D support in those environment and use GNOME 3 Fallback mode instead (it will be selected automatically). FIXED :if you using VirtualBox 4.0.8 on Linux, with VirtualBox guest extensions version 4.0.8 (or later) installed, GNOME 3 should work.
  • NetworkManager 0.9, required by GNOME 3, has currently the following issues :
    • KDE 4 will not correctly detect network availability : you might want to switch to 'traditional method with ifup' in Yast network settings, or use nm-applet (from NetworkManager-gnome package) in KDE. This issue will be fixed in next openSUSE release
    • FIXEDEditing and enabling WPA-Enterprise wifi networks is not available from GNOME Shell network extension or GNOME Control Center network panel. This issue will be fixed shortly.
    • novellvpn support is not available : this issue is under investigation
    • root password is asked when configuring WEP/WPA account
  • autologin configuration in User Account panel is incorrect. Until this bug is fixed, use Yast (User and Group Management / Expert Options / Login settings / Autologin)
  • Root password is asked when Software update is updating package repositories. This is because security updates are set to be installed Automatically. Normal openSUSE 11.4 behaviour can be restored by opening Software Update Preferences and setting 'Automatically install' to Nothing
  • FIXEDNautilus hangs on right-click > properties at present the workaround is to uninstall nautilus-extension-tracker-tags. See
  • ATI users should be aware of an issue with ATI's Proprietary driver that cause graphical corruption with GNOME 3. Using the open source radeon-driver should be a workaround. See

How to help?

How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.0

You can help by:

  • testing and reporting issues
  • helping triage the bugs reported
  • helping people who upgrade and report issues in the forums
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How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.28

Verdict: not so tasty
I grabbed all the Mono packages via YaST and installed them without problems. I then fired up monodevelop in a terminal so I could watch for warnings and errors. I'm glad I did.
I won't bore you with screen shots of creating a simple 'Hello world' application. I will say that monodevelop is crashy. For example, without having created anything, I attempted to see what the Classes tab on the left side of the IDE would produce if opened. Normally it should be blank; that's what every other IDE in the known universe shows. Instead MonoDevelop crashed and exited. Hmmm...
After the second startup I created the simple 'Hello World' project as a console program with Gtk# extensions. I didn't add any other code. I then had the project build and run within the IDE. During that entire time I got a stream of error messages, such as the following sample:
ERROR [2008-12-22 10:49:57Z]: Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFileException: Cannot read symbol file `/usr/lib/mono/gac/pango-sharp/'
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly, System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.Cecil.Mdb.MdbFactory.CreateReader (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, System.String assembly) [0x00000]
at MonoDevelop.Projects.Parser.AssemblyInformation.Load (System.String fileName, Boolean nonLocking) [0x00000]
ERROR [2008-12-22 10:49:57Z]: Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFileException: Cannot read symbol file `/usr/lib/mono/gac/atk-sharp/'
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly, System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.Cecil.Mdb.MdbFactory.CreateReader (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, System.String assembly) [0x00000]
at MonoDevelop.Projects.Parser.AssemblyInformation.Load (System.String fileName, Boolean nonLocking) [0x00000]
ERROR [2008-12-22 10:49:58Z]: Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFileException: Cannot read symbol file `/usr/lib/mono/gac/Mono.Posix/'
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly, System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.Cecil.Mdb.MdbFactory.CreateReader (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, System.String assembly) [0x00000]
at MonoDevelop.Projects.Parser.AssemblyInformation.Load (System.String fileName, Boolean nonLocking) [0x00000]
ERROR [2008-12-22 10:50:01Z]: Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFileException: Cannot read symbol file `/usr/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll.mdb'
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile..ctor (System.String filename, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) [0x00000]
at Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly, System.String filename) [0x00000]
at Mono.Cecil.Mdb.MdbFactory.CreateReader (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, System.String assembly) [0x00000]
at MonoDevelop.Projects.Parser.AssemblyInformation.Load (System.String fileName, Boolean nonLocking) [0x00000]

How To Install Monodevelop On Opensuse Gnome 3.5

I think I'll stick with Java IDEs and emacs. Emacs especially if I want to develop C# on Linux, as MonoDevelop appears to be neither a good editor nor a good IDE. I had thought to install KDevelop, but it's available only built with Qt3/KDE3, and I want a native KDE 4 application, especially with KDevelop. I have half a mind to check out the subversion head and just build it locally. It's currently at alpha 5 release, so that may give me some more excitement.